We believe that our product is the top grip strength product on the market. Our grip strength tool consist of a neoprene material with 3 lbs of rice, two different size stress balls and an ambidextrous glove inside. What makes us different from our competitors is that this workout has resistance against all movements, which exercises more muscles than any other grip strength product. Originating from the typical rice bucket workout, which was used by the Shaolin Monks thousands of years ago, when training for Shaolin Kung Fu. Since then, using a rice bucket for a forearm/grip workout has expanded dramatically; used in physical therapy, sports related training or pure strength for everyday use. Now be mobile and clean with your superior grip strength workout.
Elevate your grip training with our vibrant Cotton Candies collection! Experience the perfect blend of style and strength, and take your training to the next level.
Professional Athlete Testimonials
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